Monday, March 30, 2009


SO…. It’s been a while and I haven’t been the best among our SU member bloggers about keeping up my blog, but Jarrod has been keeping on me lately about posting now (and posting regularly) as we get ready for our ramp-up of SU, so here I am. Although I love reading blogs, the act of blogging is actually a little foreign and unnatural to me. However, I do recognize the value in doing so regularly, and I am committed to submitting to Jarrod’s persistent pressure to be more participatory with respect to SU member blogging.

We haven’t officially announced it yet (although some of you may have heard through the grapevine already), but SU is opening a full-time, permanent, physical office here in Washington, DC as of April 1st. We’ve been in ‘capacity-building’ mode since our founding over 3 years ago, and doing ad hoc projects to forward the DADT-Repeal Movement from time to time, but we recognize the need for a greater (and full-time) presence in DC and we are stepping up to the challenge by taking SU to the next level (actually several levels up!!).

Underestimation of SU and the Iraq- and Afghanistan generation of vets has been a consistent theme in the DADT-Repeal Community, the gay veteran community, and the wider GLBT advocacy community since SU began planning its first public advocacy project (CTD) in the fall of 2005, but we never fail to perform and surprise with explosive-step-forward after explosive-step-forward… and we’re about to do it once again. So boom!